By Alana Dunsmore
The Canada Club Geneva has decided unfortunately not to hold any in-person celebrations for Canada Day this year. Although we may hold an event later in the summer to provide an opportunity to meet and celebrate Canada Day/Summer we decided that given the current situation it’s best to be safe.
With that said it doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate Canada Day virtually. Personally, one positive that I think is a result of COVID-19 is many of my family members and friends back in Canada have embraced virtual conversation more. This allows us the opportunity to have more interaction with our larger groups back home, not just our immediate family. Prior to COVID-19 we regularly facetimed with our parents or siblings but now we regularly zoom with extended family members or friends which we all love, and we hope this continues post COVID-19. We have gone from seeing these people once per year, when we return for summer holidays to monthly or maybe even weekly. During this whole thing we have continued to stay positive!
It seems that this is the case for many people. It’s not just family’s which are embracing the virtual world but many organizations, everyone seems to be flocking the internet for their entertainment, communication and contact. What once felt essential to do in person are now virtual events, Canada Day is no different. Due to the coronavirus many Canada Day celebrations are taking place online. So, with the decision of not organizing anything for a formal in person event we have decided to share with you some virtual options we have found. We know that many people may have been eagerly to return back to normal, or a new normal but together as a committee we have decided it’s better to delay an in person event a little longer.
Please COMMENT below if there is a great online option you know of.
Oh Canada! Let’s Celebrate Canada Day together
Virtual Canada Day
Canada Day Party Weekend
Oh Canada
Love from Canada
Government of Canada
Vancouver Sun webpage