Hockey Night in Geneva!

Genève-Servette vs EV Zug
In collaboration with the Canadian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, please join us for a game of the Genève-Servette Hockey Club!

Join us for dinner and then head to the hockey game for another evening of fun!
Dinner (choice between pasta or steak) will be served at McSorley’s Steakhouse & Pub. Gold tickets for the game will be distributed over dinner.
When: Friday 11 December 2015
17:30 – Meeting at McSorley’s Steakhouse & Pub (located directly adjacent to the arena)
17:45 – Steak or pasta dinner
19:15 – Leave restaurant for the arena
Patinoire des Vernets
rue Hans Wilsdorf
Carouge/Geneva 1227
Cost: Prices for the evening include game ticket and your choice of steak or pasta dinner, wine, mineral water, coffee or tea.
CSCC or Canada Club Geneva members:
CHF 105.00 for Gold ticket and steak dinner option
CHF 95.00 for Gold ticket and pasta dinner option
Guests and non-members:
CHF 115.00 for Gold ticket and steak dinner option
CHF 105.00 for Gold ticket and pasta dinner option
– Registration closes at noon on Tuesday 8 December 2015.
– Cancellations after registration has closed will not be accepted.
Click here to register.
NOTE: Use this e-mail address to register. Please put “Canada Club Geneva” for the COMPANY and “member” for your JOB TITLE.